Youth on the Move was organized by Robert Massey in June of 2010.
Being the owner/operator of Road Ready Tours, with the use of my motor coaches, I saw the opportunity to transport students and adults to various African American museums and historical sites throughout the state of Florida and beyond.
We as adults are failing our youth because we are not educating them on the contributions and sacrifices the African Americans have made in this country.
Most children have never left their neighborhoods; therefore they become products of their environment, whether it’s positive or negative.
When pieces of history are lost, the chance of learning what the past can teach us is also lost. The goal of the Youth on the Move Program is to restore the lost pieces and keep them together for generations to come.
Youth On The Move have visited several historical cities: Rosewood, Fl, Mims, Fl; St. Augustine, Fl; Daytona Beach Fl; Tallahassee, Fl; Miami, Fl, etc. I believe learning takes place best when history can be seen and touched. When a subject can be touched with the fingers and felt with the heart comprehension of the subject will stick forever.
Travel is a form of education. The children and adults alike are seeing and learning a lot while traveling with the Youth on the Move Program, most of which is not being taught in the schools.